As climate change becomes an increasingly important issue, there’s never been a better time to go green. Consumers want to know that their purchases will help the environment — not harm it — and you can give your buyers this reassurance by using post consumer recycled packaging materials. Packaging that utilizes PCR plastic and resin is often more affordable and accessible than other kinds of packaging, but its true value lies in its appeal to consumers. Capitalizing on your company’s green appeal is a great way to draw attention to your brand, connect with prospective customers, and demonstrate your commitment to environmental consciousness. If you’re not sure how to accomplish this, though, it may be time to revamp your company’s sustainability initiative.
Enhance Your Company Brand Image
Every successful product is backed by a successful brand, and every successful brand is defined by a specific selling point. For bargain brands, it’s an affordable price. For luxury brands, it’s the air of opulence. For eco-friendly brands, it’s the commitment to sustainability. How can you define sustainability, though, in a way that connects with customers and furthers your company’s goals? This challenge can make marketing complicated, but there are several solutions that can help you achieve both goals in tandem. Indeed, sustainability isn’t an obstacle to your marketing. It’s one of the most effective tools a brand can have at its disposal.
If you’re developing a new frozen food product, for example, you might wonder how to choose frozen packaging that’s attractive and engaging — but also eco-friendly. This can be simple when you invest in frozen packaging that’s made from post-consumer recycled material. Frozen foods are uniquely challenging to package because they need to be properly insulated from the surrounding environment. To accomplish this, the packaging must include a protective barrier or film — and this can easily be made with post-consumer resin.
Increased Competitive Advantage
Your company’s green initiative isn’t just a way to save money and boost visibility. It’s also a way to gain a competitive edge in a market that’s oversaturated. If you opt for vitamin packaging that’s made from recycled materials, for example, you can set your brand apart from the competition by marketing to eco-conscious buyers. When faced with the choice of buying your product or a competitor’s, price may not be the deciding factor — sustainability often is. You need to establish your brand as the best option for the environment, and with the right packaging, it will be.
Every single aspect of your brand is a potential marketing point, and the opposite is true, too. Unattractive elements of your brand may be seen as demerits by prospective buyers. Your packaging is often the only tool you have to persuade a customer to buy, so it’s imperative that you leverage its full potential. The best way to do this is by investing in an eco-friendly initiative that includes sustainable packaging options. This will allow you to establish the core values of your brand and generate business from consumers who share these values.