
Uncovering Pauline Johnson’s Hidden Fortune: A Look at Her Net Worth and Legacy 

 March 27, 2023


Pauline Johnson was a Canadian poet, author, and performer who lived in the late 1800s and early 1900s. She was a talented writer and storyteller, known for her beautiful poems and captivating performances. Over the years, her legacy has been celebrated, but there are still hidden aspects of her life and wealth that are waiting to be uncovered. In this blog post, we will explore Pauline Johnson’s net worth, legacy, and the hidden fortune she may have left behind.

Early Life and Career

Pauline Johnson was born on March 10, 1861, in British Columbia, Canada. Her parents were Mohawk Chief George Henry Martin Johnson and his wife, Emily. Pauline was raised on the Six Nations Reserve near Brantford, Ontario, where she learned about her Mohawk heritage. She began writing poetry at a young age, and her talent was recognized by many.

In the late 1800s, Pauline started performing her poetry on stage, first in Canada, and later in England and the United States. She became well-known for her performances, often wearing traditional Mohawk dress and performing in both English and Mohawk.

Net Worth and Hidden Fortune

It is difficult to determine Pauline Johnson’s net worth, as she lived in a time before income tax records and public financial statements. However, it is known that she made a good living from her performances, and she also earned money through her writing.

In addition to her earnings from performances and writing, there may be a hidden fortune that Pauline left behind. Some speculate that her father, who was a chief, may have left her a significant inheritance. Others point to the fact that Pauline owned property in Vancouver, which could have been worth a lot at the time.


Pauline Johnson’s legacy is one that has been celebrated for many years. She was a trailblazer for Indigenous writers and performers, paving the way for future generations. Her poetry and performances captivated audiences around the world, and she inspired many people with her words.

Today, Pauline Johnson is remembered as a Canadian icon, and her poetry is still read and studied in schools. In 1913, she was granted a civil funeral, which was a great honor at that time, and her ashes were interred in Vancouver’s Mountain View Cemetery.

7 FAQs about Pauline Johnson’s Net Worth and Legacy

Q1: What was Pauline Johnson’s net worth?

A: It’s difficult to determine her exact net worth, but Pauline Johnson made a good living from her performances and writing.

Q2: Did Pauline Johnson inherit any money from her father?

A: It’s possible that Pauline Johnson inherited a significant amount of money from her father, who was a Mohawk chief.

Q3: Did Pauline Johnson own any property?

A: Yes, Pauline Johnson owned property in Vancouver, which could have been worth a lot of money at the time.

Q4: How did Pauline Johnson earn money?

A: Pauline Johnson earned money through her performances and her writing.

Q5: What is Pauline Johnson’s legacy?

A: Pauline Johnson is remembered as a Canadian icon and a trailblazer for Indigenous writers and performers.

Q6: What type of performances did Pauline Johnson give?

A: Pauline Johnson performed her poetry on stage, often wearing traditional Mohawk dress and performing in both English and Mohawk.

Q7: Where was Pauline Johnson buried?

A: Pauline Johnson’s ashes were interred at Vancouver’s Mountain View Cemetery in 1913.

The Importance of Pauline Johnson’s Legacy

Pauline Johnson’s legacy is an important one, as she was a trailblazer for Indigenous writers and performers. Her poetry and performances continue to inspire people today, and she helped to pave the way for future generations. It’s important for us to remember her legacy and to celebrate the contributions she made to Canadian literature and culture.

The Future of Pauline Johnson’s Legacy

The future of Pauline Johnson’s legacy is bright, as her poetry and performances continue to be studied and appreciated. As more and more people learn about her life and work, her legacy will only continue to grow. It’s important for us to continue to celebrate her contributions and to ensure that her legacy is passed on to future generations.


Pauline Johnson was a talented writer and performer who made a significant contribution to Canadian literature and culture. Her net worth and hidden fortune may remain a mystery, but her legacy is one that will continue to inspire people for many years to come. As we continue to celebrate her life and work, we can ensure that her legacy lives on and that future generations are inspired by her words and her performances.

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